We are celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the Downtown Greensburg Project by giving back to the community and cleaning up the parklet on S. PA Avenue! We have wanted to clean up and make the parklet more usable since we started the project and we recently got approval from the City of Greensburg to do just that. On Sunday July 1, starting at 9am we will be cleaning up the parklet by tearing out weeds, clearing debris, planting new perennial plants, mulching and giving the park benches a shine.
We have a list of plants and items that a local garden designer volunteered to help us with and are looking for donations. Variegated hostas, white begonias, painted ferns, red heuchera, vina minor and mulch are some of the items that will really spruce up the parklet along with a good clean out.
“I used to live on S. PA Ave for 2.5 years, right across from the parklet and it’s a great little secret garden,” said Jessica Hickey, Downtown Greensburg Project founder and director. “I think it could really be utilized more as a gathering place and hopefully a space for more art in Greensburg.”
We are huge believers that art and creativity can drive community development and economic growth. Creativity is able to make a positive impact and bring people together and use it for change, so that is what we are striving to do to. Lets be creativity in the parklet. We love the Art Happens piece that was installed by The Westmoreland Museum of Art earlier this year and the other pieces installed by local students, but in in the future we’d love to see even more art in the parklet. The ArtsWalk earlier this year was a great opportunity for the community to see the parklet and help inspire ideas for the space, like the dancers and musicians who performed there did. We are working with local artists and organizations to hopefully make something happen in that space later this year.
One of our goals as the Downtown Greensburg Project is to foster more community involvement. Sometimes it isn’t always about if something is making money but how the quality of life is for those who live here.
“I talk with a lot of people in town and some of the young professionals and residents I meet with are always looking for ways to be involved in the community,” said Hickey. “We obviously provide news, information and events but creating volunteer and other opportunities for members of our community to meet and work together is sometimes even more important.”
Want to help us out on July 1? Let us know that you’re coming! Can’t attend but would still love to donate? Awesome! Click the corresponding button below to fill out a form to volunteer or donate!
I am willing to help clean up the park on Pennsylvania Avenus on July 1
I am doing this along with any other Greensbug Salem Middle School NJHS students!
Make sure to sign up to volunteer by clicking the button and filling out the form.