Accepted Events: community events, one time events/classes/programs, special events and charity events. Please refrain from adding continuous events or weekly classes. Same events with multiple days may not be posted every day due to the amount of other events. We’d like to give everyone an opportunity for people to see their events.
Frenzy is defined as a period of uncontrolled excitement. So how do Yoga and frenzy fit together? This is the weekend to find out! We are experiencing high levels of excitement about our new classes, welcoming amazing new teachers, and offering new things to the community! Our new classes start this week/weekend and we hope that you are able to try them out. In addition to our regularly scheduled classes, we are offering several workshops and additional classes.
Join our frenzy for ALL of the classes and workshops during this special weekend – including a 15 minute chair massage and a custom made bracelet – for $125, or you can sign up for the individual events.
It’s all about balance…finding the calm through the frenzy. So join us this weekend!