The City of Greensburg is pleased to announce the release of a new online tool designed to provide zoning information for properties located in the City.
The tool is a web-based, interactive zoning map that allows users to identify properties and with a few clicks, collect a wide range of information. In the past, only paper copies could be viewed in City Hall. Now, residents, property owners, and prospective developers access this information without leaving their home or office.
Key usability features include:
- An address search bar that allows users to find specific properties
- Click-for-more information format that provides easy access to the parcel number and address
- Layers that illustrate flood hazard areas and zoning overlay districts
- Links to an online version of the City’s zoning ordinance
- A print function that allows users to download digital versions and print hard copies for future reference
- Measurement tool that allows users to measure distances
“Making information available to residents is an important part of good planning,” stated Dr. Jeff Raykes the City’s Planning Director.
Additionally, moving the zoning information online will reduce the heavy call volume they receive from property owners and developers who do not know which zoning district properties are in.
“We see this web-based tool as something not only valuable to those outside the Department,” he stated. “but also something we can use internally to provide quick information to anyone who contacts our office.”
The online zoning map was one of the recommendations in the recently completed Regulatory and Process Barriers Project Report. In the report, a significant barrier identified was the need for more information at the start of projects. This finding was highlighted at a listening session held in November 2019. During the session hosted by the City and Denny Puko, Planning Consultant LLC, attending architects, engineers, and developers expressed a need to have more information at their fingertips at the beginning of development projects.
“I’m excited to see the City listening and acting on our recommendations,” said George O’Brien of Progressive Property Investments. “Transparency and good information is essential in the early phases of any development project.”
“The more information we put in easily accessible formats, the better decision-making will be,” said Mayor Robb Bell.
The project was made possible through a partnership between the County’s Department of Planning and Development and the City’s Planning Department. Through the County’s Technical Resources and Municipal Services Program (TRAMS), county planners worked with the city planners to digitize and ground truth the zoning districts. They then developed the mapping product in conjunction with data from the county’s GIS and Tax Mapping Department.
“This is a perfect example of city-county partnership,” said Brian Lawrence, Deputy Director of Planning for Westmoreland County. “We know the need for technical assistance is huge at the municipal level. The TRAMS Program answers that need with cost-effective and professional municipal services.”
As a first attempt at making this information accessible, the city recognizes that there are potentially other datasets that can be added to make it more useful for future developers.
“We’re thinking of this as an evolving product,” Raykes said. “As users make requests for more information in this format, we’ll do our best to provide it. This is all part of encouraging good development in the City.”
The online zoning map can be accessed through by visiting the City’s website at https://www.greensburgpa.org/planning-development/pages/zoning-information or via the following link: https://bit.ly/2xWZYUp
For more information please contact Jeff Raykes at (724)838-4335 or via email jraykes@greensburgpa.org