Taking photos of people is about history, looking at our time, culture and society through portraits. There are so many parts to a person, there’s always something real going on and capturing that in a photo is beautiful.
Photography collaboration project, Meet Your Neighbor, is asking local photographers to do just that. Meet someone in the community, learn about them and in turn show us what you learned by taking a photo that embodies that person or group of people along with a short story or fact about the subject.
Meet Your Neighbor will run from February 1, 2018 through January 31, 2019, with two submissions being featured each week below on this page, the @meet_your_neighbor Instagram and Facebook. The collaboration will be exhibited in the Spring of 2019 and all featured submissions will be printed in an 8×10 format for the exhibition.
Submissions are accepted by posting on Facebook and Instagram, tagging the Meet Your Neighbor social media account on those platforms and using #meetyourneighborgbg. Please do not private message or email us submissions. All submissions must be taken between 2018-2019, the person or persons must be from, currently live or work in Greensburg, and a short story or information about the subject is required. All featured submission photographers will be tagged in the post with instructions on how to submit the high-resolution image and sign the release for the image to be included in the exhibition. The image and permission must be submitted within 2 weeks of your featured post or another image will be selected to be featured. All featured submissions will be cropped to 8×10 for the exhibition, for information on cropping visit here.
For questions or more information please email hello@downtowngreensburgpa.us
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