Accepted Events: community events, one time events/classes/programs, special events and charity events. Please refrain from adding continuous events or weekly classes. Same events with multiple days may not be posted every day due to the amount of other events. We’d like to give everyone an opportunity for people to see their events.
To raise awareness and increase advocacy around matters of diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion in our community, The Westmoreland Diversity Coalition and The Westmoreland Museum of American Art proudly host Dr. Johnnetta Betsch Cole for a meet & greet, breakfast and keynote address. Dr. Cole is a sought after speaker whose engagements are always inspirational. Her career as an educator, writer, president of two historically black colleges for women, the director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African Art and currently Principal Consultant with Cook Ross Inc have provided abundant experience in addressing issues on these topics. The Diversity Coalition and the Museum look forward to the opportunity to bring members of our community together for this important focus. Please join us!